Kitchen Crafting With Ancestors

This workshop is designed to uplift, honor and pay reverence to our Ancestors through the use of accessible kitchen herbs, cultural and traditional food dishes. We are combining the use of herbs and meals as a modality for creating conversation, setting a place of honor at the table for our Ancestors and speaking out dreams and vision in a space of comfort, trust, love, honor and tradition.

The Kitchen, cooking and sharing meals are an integral part of community and family life. It enables us to communicate in life with others as well as those who have moved to other realms. In holding space, while being nourished, one can transcend the limits of just ordinary conversation to a level of intimacy that includes connecting to Spirit and hearing from beyond.

Through the use of accessible kitchen herbs, spices and the warmth of a smoldering cauldron filled with the aroma of cooking vegetables, meats and other combinations of food, one’s senses can be stimulated to feel, see, smell and especially taste vivid memories of days gone by or days to come. Learning about the connection between food and memory can lead to many a conversation, story and connection to our families in the now and in the past and the support of making dreams reality.

Materials List:

Heart Restoration & Dream Tea




Medicinal Sofrito:








Red & Green Peppers

Small Sweet Peppers   

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About Diane Feliciano and Laura Cabrera:

Diane Feliciano is honored and humbled to be a Sacred Vibes Level 3 apprentice, Reiki healer, and Kitchen Witch. Parent of a beautiful kitty named Greyjoy and parent of two male species. Love working with crystals, planting and harvesting, making medicine and cooking. 

Laura Cabrera is a proud Afro-Caribeña currently residing in Washington Heights, NYC! Proud of her roots and honoring her ancestors in this practice of spiritual herbalism. Laura teaches bilingual and prenatal yoga. She LOVEs to travel and healing happens mostly in her kitchen. In true Virgo form, is here in service of others to uplift & empower!


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